Construction Industry – Business Development and Growth

This business owner had done quite well. It was a good business with a reasonable return. But he was ambitious and had a real desire to grow and develop his business – and he was very focused on bigger and better profit. He was looking to transform his business from ordinary to exceptional.

We set about by maintaining the business just as it was – it was doing reasonably well and so business risk had to be carefully assessed – there was no need to rush and create problems. After a short time, a great opportunity presented itself. If done well it would take the business to new and much higher levels. Business opportunity and business development go hand in hand, and being ready to act is vital. And this certainly was a major opportunity that could not be lost.

This project was carefully assessed and planned out. A good quote for the project was drawn-up offering good service delivery, and with a very good profitable return. Many versions were to follow as we discussed and worked our way through what would be required. There were many support documents to be created ranging from Timelines through to Health and Safety – these were done to a very high standard so that a great winning proposal could be given. Finally, a great package was formulated and submitted.

The Client called a meeting – and the contract was awarded. This was a very big step-up – it was such great news for this business. The project was completed extremely well – on time – on budget – and was a real credit to this business.

The business continues to grow. Successful contracts and projects well in excess of that first big step up are now a part of this business. The methods, procedures, and the attention to detail had been achieved with, and through, our work together. The business remains doing very well, and will grow and prosper accordingly.

Greg Buckley (GB) - Business Advisor Get in touch

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